marți, noiembrie 01, 2011
Victoria”s secret addict
Mornin” girls!
Sunt sigura ca cele mai multe dintre voi iubesc cumparaturile. Poate pierderea vremii intr-un magazin sau mall este un lucru pe care nu nu-l mai permitem de la o vreme incoace, din cauza timpului bineinteles dar sunt sigura ne-am dori sa avem timp sa ”inspectam” macar o data pe luna noutatile din magazine, sa fim fascinate de modul in care sunt prezentate si sa ne achizitionam acele lucruri fara de care zicem noi , mai in gluma, mai in serios ca n-am mai fi putut trai :) Tocmai de aceea postarea de astazi este dedicata unui brand pe care cred ca toate femeile il indragesc si anume :
I”m sure that a lot of you love shopping. Maybe loosing some good hours in a store or a mall is a thing that isn”t possible anymore because of the time of course , but I”m sure we”d like to have plenty of time to ”inspect” even one time a month the new items from the stores, to be fascinated by the way they are presented and to purchase those items without which we say, kidding, or not we couldn”t have lived :) That is exactly why today”s post is dedicated to a brand that I believe all women love and that is:
(suspaaaans... :)) )
Desi initial Victoria”s secret a aparut din rusinea pe care o simtea Roy Raymond atunci cand se ducea sa cumpere lenjerie pentru sotia sa, acest nume a devenit un brand in adevaratul sens al cuvantului foarte repede. Roy Raymond introduce cataloagele astfel incat comenzile sa poata fi realizate mult mai usor si daca isi doreau sa mearga in magazinul propriu-zis barbatii puteau cauta lenjerie pentru femei fara a se simti stanjeniti si staff-ul magazinului ii ajuta cu marimile, totul realizat intr-un mediu prietenos sexului tare.
Even if initially Victoria”s secret appeared from the embarassement that Roy Raymond felt when he went to buy lingerie for his wife, this name became a brand in the true meaning of the word. Roy Raymond introduces lingerie catalogues so that the orders could be made in the easiest way possible and if men would want to go to the stores they browse for styles for women and sales staff would help them estimate the appropriate size.
Anii au trecut si dupa cateva schimbari in managementul firmei brandul a ajuns sa detina peste 1000 de magazine si sa aiba vanzari de peste 5 miliarde de dolari.
Years have passed and after some changes in the management of the firm the brand has over 1000 stores and sales over 5 billion dollars.
De-a lungul anilor, Victoria”s secret a impresionat prin creatiile glamorous, prin aerul de noutate pe care l-a adus de fiecare data dar si prin modul in care au fost organizate prezentarile. Printre persoanele celebre care au cantat la aceste show-uri incendiare s-au numarat Katy Perry, Usher, The black eyed peas si multi altii.
VICTORIA”S SECRET a anuntat acum ceva vreme faptul ca showul incendiar de anul acesta va avea loc pe data de 9 noiembrie la New York si ca va fi difuzat pe data de 29 al aceleiasi luni. Oh! Oare cum va fi organizat anul acesta? Cine va fi prezent? Cine va canta? Dar mai ales ce creatii ne vor mai lua ochii? Ce modele noi vor prezenta? Cam multe intrebari ...
VICTORIA”S SECRET announced the fact that the incendiary 2011 show will take place on the 9th november at New York and that will air on the 29th of the same month. Oh! How will it be organised this year? Who will attend it? Who will sing? But especially what outfits will shine on the catwalk? What new models will present? Plenty questions...

Postarea de pe site-ul VS: / The actual post on the VS site:
(EN Only)”Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Announced
Sep 6, 2011 - Victoria’s Secret released some of the sexy details of the 2011 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show today. The annual lingerie runway show will be back in New York and will air on CBS on Tuesday, November 29 at 10/9C. This year’s Angel line-up includes Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel, Doutzen Kroes, Erin Heatherton, Lily Aldridge, Lindsay Ellingson, Miranda Kerr and more! Keep your eye on this space for the latest on this year’s show. ”
2010 - Katy Perry
2009 - The black eyed peas
2007 - Seal
2005 - Ricky Martin ( personal fav :X )
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