marți, noiembrie 08, 2011

5 obiceiuri nesanatoase care ne afecteaza pielea / 5 harmful habbits that affect our skin

Hey girls!

Esmée Denters - Love Dealer ft Justin Timberlake

Vezi mai multe video din muzica

Asa cum spune si titlul astazi vom vorbi despre cateva din obiceiurile nesanatoase legate de machiaj care ne pot afecta pielea.

5 obiceiuri nesanatoase care ne afecteaza pielea

 #1:Dormitul cu tenul nedemachiat
Cineva imi spusese odata ca o noapte dormita cu tenul nedemachiat este egala cu o saptamana de imbatranire prematura sau ceva de genul acesta :)) Si stiu ca desi nu avem timp uneori sa ne demachiem sau nu avem chef, sunt o multime de variante care nu iau mai mult de 2 minute. Este adevarat ca o demachiere realizata cu servetele umede nu poate avea acelasi efect hidratant ca o crema insa este mult mai bine decat sa dormim nedemachiate.

#2: Folosirea produselor cosmetice expirate
Nici macar nu ne trece prin cap ca rimelul nostru preferat sau un anumit fard cu care ne dam destul de rar ar putea fi expirat, insa ar trebui sa fim constiincioase in ceea ce priveste acest lucru si sa nu mai utilizam farduri care au mai mult de 12 luni de la deschidere.

#3: Reaplicarea make-up-ului in timpul zilei
In timpul zilei putem fi tentate sa ne mai aplicam un strat de fond de ten sau unul de blush sau pudra insa putem face rau tenului astfel si putem favoriza acneea, cosurile sau chiar iritatiile.

#4: Exfolierea in exces
Desi exfolierea trebuie sa faca parte din rutina noastra zilnica, stim deja ca orice este in exces nu este recomandat si in acest caz cu atat mai putin. Putem favoriza astfel producerea de grasime in exces si automat acneea.

#5: Folosirea unor pensule pentru machiaj murdare
Pensulele pentru machiaj ar trebui curatate macar din cand in cand pentru ca utilizarea lor in alte conditii poate duce la probleme ale pielii. Acestea acumuleaza particule din produsele cosmetice si sunt astfel mediul propice pentru diverse bacterii.

5 harmful habbits that affect our skin

 #1: Sleeping with your makeup on
Someone told me once that a night slept with your make-up on is equal with a week of ageing or...something like that :)) And I know that we don”t have the time or the mood to do it sometimes but there are a lot of ways to do it that don”t take longer than 2 minutes. It is true that removing your make-up with wet wipes doesn”t have the same moisturizing effect as a cleansing milk but is better than to sleep with your make-up on.

#2: Using expired cosmetics
Very often we don’t even think that our fave mascara has a very limited lifetime. The same goes to eye shadows and other makeup products. Carefully follow the use-by date instructions given to one or another makeup product and never use cosmetics more than 12 months after opening it.

#3: Reapplying your makeup
Never reapply your makeup during the day. You can’t even imagine how harmful reapplying of makeup is for your skin. Reapplying of foundation or blush over your morning makeup will clog your pores and as a result cause irritation, pimples and acne.

#4: Overexfoliation
Although exfoliation is a key point in your daily beauty routine, you shouldn’t try too hard. Remember, everything is good in moderation, thus overexfoliation can result in intensifying oil production that leading to acne.

#5: Using dirty makeup brushes
Makeup brushes require proper care and cleansing because using dirty makeup brushes can run into various skin problems. Makeup brushes accumulate cosmetics particles as well as dead skin cells creating a perfect environment for bacterias. 



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