vineri, noiembrie 04, 2011
Ugg boots
Hey girls!
Astazi vom vorbi despre: / Today we”ll talk about:
Desi initial am fost destul de reticenta cu privire la Ugg boots pot spune ca am devenit un fan al acestui gen de cizme pentru ca au cateva avantaje la care ar trebui sa va ganditi in cazul in care mai aveti vreo indoiala.
Even if initially I wasn”t such a big fan of Ugg boots I can say that I”ve became one because they offer some advantages that you might consider if you still have doubts.
-- Confortabile
-- Calduroase
-- Arata foarte frumos
-- Se pot purta cu pantaloni dar si cu fuste
-- Sunt in trend
-- Nu sunt recomandate pentru vremea ploioasa
-- Nu sunt recomandate pentru cand se topeste zapada
-- Se pot strica destul de repede daca intra in contact cu apa
-- Le raman urme de la purtare
-- Pot fi destul de costisitoare, insa puteti alege o alta varianta de cizme in genul Ugg boots
-- Pot prinde un miros urat
-- Comfortable
-- Warm
-- They look pretty
-- You can wear them with pants and with skirts as well
-- Trendy boots
-- Not recommended on rainy weather
-- Not recommended on spring - when the snow is melting
-- You can ruin them if they get wet
-- They can get traces of wear
-- They can be too expensive, but you can always choose for another pair resembling Ugg boots
-- Can start to smell
Dupa cum bine stiti se pot gasi intr-o multime de culori, modele si marimi.
As you already know you can find them in a lot of colors, designs and sizes.

Personal, imi plac la nebunie toate!!!!
Personally, I love them all!!!!

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