luni, noiembrie 07, 2011

Despicable me - Film / Movie

Yellow ladies!

A inceput o noua saptamana...oh boy.. Ca sa ne inveselim putin v-am postat ceva gasit pe Youtube cu Mircea Badea, foarte foarte foarte funny. Stiu ca poate unora dintre voi nu va place neaparat emisiunea lui sau de el in sine insa merita sa vedeti aceste faze, pentru ca are un stil anume de a povesti.

Varianta originala

O varianta muult mai comica

Iar pentru postarea de astazi, dupa ce v-am amuzat putin, m-am gandit sa va povestesc dspre a very very nice movie that I”ve seen yesterday.
And for today”s post, I thought it would be nice to share a very very nice movie that I”ve seen yesterday.

Este vorba despre ...tanammm...

Vazusem un filmulet sau doua pe Youtube, in afara de trailer, cu parti din film la care am ras copios dar nu mi-am facut timp sa-l vad mai repede desi o buna prietena de-a mea mi-a spus ca nu ar trebui sa mai aman momentul si ca este o super comedie. So yesterday...I grabbed my loved one&we watched it.
I”ve seen a short video or two on Youtube, beside the trailer, with some parts of the movie and I laughed like a lot, but I couldn”t see it earlier even if a very good friend of mine said that I shouldn”t waste any time and that it is a very nice comedy. So yesterday...I grabbed my loved one&we watched it.

O descriere pe care am gasit-o pe internet suna cam asa:
”Cand o minte criminala foloseste 3 fetite orfane ca paravan pentru o schema importanta, el intelege ca iubirea il schimba in bine”
A description that I”ve found on the internet sounds like this:
”When a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better.”

Sincer, descrierea asta spune atat de putine. Filmul este despre mult mai multe lucruri. Este despre iubire, si despre familie, si despre cum te pot influenta niste persoane in bine, e adevarat , dar sunt mult mai multe ”morale” ce pot fi descoperite.
Sincerely I believe that this description says so little. The movie is about so much more things. It is about love, and family, and about how some people influence you in a good way, it is true, but there are a lot more to be discovered in this movie.

Intrebarea care mi-a ramas mie in minte este : Ce faci cand descoperi ca lucrurile pe care ti le-ai dorit de atat de mult timp si pentru care ai luptat atat de mult, nu sunt defapt ceea ce iti doresti si nici nu te fac fericit?
The question that remained in my mind is : What do you do when you realise that the things you wished to have for so long, and you fought for aren”t what you really wish and don”t even make you happy?

Trailerul filmului: / The movie trailer:

Si cateva poze: / And some pictures:

Sper sa va placa! / HOpe you”ll like it!


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You can write me a message on FACEBOOK , or you can send me an e-MAIL if you have any question, you loved a post or on the contrary, or just to talk! leave some comments girls!

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