duminică, octombrie 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hey ladies!

Bineinteles ca unele mari branduri au lansat colectii de haine cu target de Halloween, tocmai de aceea va las sa va delectati cu cateva poze.
Of course that some big brands released collections with Halloween target, that is exactly why I am letting you enjoy some pictures.

Victoria”s secret - Candice Swanepoel pentru colectia Victoria’s Secret pentru Halloween 2011
Victoria”s secret - Candice Swanepoel for Victoria’s Secret Halloween 2011 Collection

Sexy... Charlie Chaplin  / Sexy little showstopper

Sexy little french

Sexy Devil

Sexy little bride

Sexy flight attendant

Sexy police officer

Sexy little dark angel

Sexy little santa

Sexy sailor

Sexy little kitty

Si preferata mea. / And my personal fav.

Toate costumele din aceasta colectie sunt seducatoare si se potrivesc perfect tuturor siluetelor si preferintelor. Acestea sunt perfect lucrate si accesorizate inspirat , si cu preturi intre $68 si $198.
All the costumes in the Victoria’s Secret Halloween 2011 collection are seductive matching all silhouettes and preferences. They all appear perfectly finished and skillfully accessorized. The price ranging from $68 to $198.

Voi ce ati prefera sa fiti? O asistenta sau o stewardesa? O mireasa sau o femeie politist? De voi depinde sa va ridicati la inaltimea asteptarilor si sa creati o atmosfera de zile mari, poate chiar similara cu cea a lui Candice Swanepoel la shooting.
What would you prefer to be? A nurse or a flight assistant? A sexy bride or a cop?The choice is up to you to create a certain atmosphere, just like Candice Swanepoel does in the photoshoot.

Si pe final cateva poze absolut superbe cu costume pentru bebelusi:


Imi puteti scrie fie pe FACEBOOK un mesaj, fie imi puteti trimite un e-MAIL daca aveti vreo intrebare, v-a placut o anumita postare sau din contra, or just to talk! And...do leave some comments girls!

You can write me a message on FACEBOOK , or you can send me an e-MAIL if you have any question, you loved a post or on the contrary, or just to talk! And...do leave some comments girls!

1 comentarii:

Anamaria spunea...

I want to be the SEXY LITTLE DARK ANGEL!!

30 octombrie 2011 la 12:11

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