marți, octombrie 18, 2011
Mornin” girls!
Diddy Dirt Money - Coming Home
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Astazi o sa vorbim putin despre o carte pe care am citit-o vara aceasta, la mare si care mi-a placut mult.
Se numeste „Diamonds are a girl„s best friend” si este scrisa de Jenny Colgan.
Cartea ne dezvaluie viata unei fete, Sophie, a very rich girl, the posh style, care afla ca si-a pierdut toti banii in urma unui eveniment nefericit si care trebuie sa porneasca de la 0, sa stea in chirie and barely to make a living on her own. Prietena ei cea mai buna ii fura iubitul cu care se si casatoreste, prietenii o parasesc iar presa o pozeaza si o publica la pagina de „Asa nu” cu noul ei stil de viata.
Cartea are un final neasteptat si foarte interesant, pentru ca ea isi gaseste fericirea in alte lucruri decat cele materiale, desi in final banii nu mai erau o problema.
Oare cate dintre noi s-ar descurca singure singurele, pe cont propriu in adevaratul sens al cuvantului? And I don”t mean independent as in independent with a monthly allowance :)
Probabil putine:))
V-am postat si un fel de review in limba engleza luat de pe net:
What does an It girl do if she loses all her money? Sophie Chesterton is a girl about town – she knows all the right people, goes to all the right parties, and wears all the right clothes. But deep down she suspects that her best friends are actually rather nasty, and that her lifestyle doesn’t really amount to much. Her father wants her to make her own way in the world. to make him proud. But after one shocking evening her life is changed for ever. Scraping a living as an assistant to a ‘glamour’ photographer; living in a hovel on the Old Kent Road with four smelly boys; eating baked beans from the can – this is one spectacular fall from grace. Sophie is desperate to get her life back – but does a girl really need diamonds to be happy? Full of warmth and humour, Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend is the charming new comedy from the wonderful Jenny Colgan.
Cartea arata cam asa si costa undeva la 5 lire, deci destul de putin, dar din nefericire, sincera sa fiu eu nu am vazut-o in librariile noastre. Poate cine stie aveti noroc si o gasiti pe undeva, poate chiar online, in format electronic! :)

In speranta ca v-am trezit interesul pentru citit si ca v-am oferit some food for thought, cam atat pentru astazi!
Imi puteti scrie fie pe FACEBOOK un mesaj, fie imi puteti trimite un e-MAIL daca aveti vreo intrebare, v-a placut o anumita postare sau din contra, or just to talk! leave some comments girls!

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