sâmbătă, octombrie 29, 2011
What to wear on rainy weather..+ Happy weekend!
Hey girls!
Jamie Woon - Shoulda
Asculta mai multe audio blues
Observ pe zi ce trece ca este tot mai frig si..Thank God! ca au fost zile mai insorite, sau macar uscate, but cloudy dar din nefericire/fericire, depinde de cum priveste fiecare in cele din urma iarna va veni ”peste noi”. Lasand la o parte faptul ca I love winter , urasc zapada topita sau in curs de topire, u know.. cand ne incaltam cu ceva comfy si ne trezim cu degetelele de la picioare la ”murat” :))
I”ve noticed that is colder and colder and...Thank God! there were some sunny days, or at least dry ones, but cloudy but unhappily/happily, it depends from which point of view we see it , eventually the winter will come. Leaving aside the fact that I love winter, I hate melted snow or snow in the process of melting, u know...when we have our comfy boots and we ”wake up” with soaking wet toes:))
Anyway, mai e putin pana la acest moment si vroiam sa va prezint cateva articole pe care le puteti purta cand ploua :)
Anyway, there”s little time until this moment and I wanted to present you some articles that you can wear when it is raining.

Chiar daca nu sunt such a big fan of these ones am gasit unele chiar dragute.
Even though I”m not such a big fan of these I found ones really nice.


Cam atat pentru astazi..Va doresc zile ploioase...fericite? (suna mai bine in engleza :)) )
And that”s all for today..I wish you happy rainy days! :)

2 comentarii:
eu vreau niste cizme rosii ca la purcelusul ala si o umbreluta cu hello kitty pink!!!! Love is in the rain!!
30 octombrie 2011 la 02:16Eu vreau niste cizme rosii ca ale purcelusului si o umbrela Hello kitty pink! Love is in the rain!!
30 octombrie 2011 la 02:18Trimiteți un comentariu