duminică, octombrie 23, 2011

Dinner for Schmucks - Film/Movie

Hey ladies!

Am avut parte de o duminica de ”leneveala”... in care n-am avut ”timp” de nimic decat sa ma odihnesc si sa ma pregatesc pentru o alta saptamana :) Am avut incantarea ca aseara, in timp ce butonam telecomanda sa dau peste un film destul de dragut, pe care l-am urmarit cap-coada, film despre care o sa va si vorbesc astazi. Se numeste ”Cina pentru Fraieri” si este o comedie care prezinta un tip, pe nume Tim (Paul Rudd) in plina ascensiune profesionala care este invitat la o ”Cina pentru fraieri” asa cum zice si titlul filmului. Acesta trebuie sa ia pe cineva cu el,  bineinteles, un fraier :)), si desi nu stie pe cine ar putea lua cu el ca sa-si impresioneze sefii, ii iese in cale o persoana tocmai potrivita pentru a-l acompania si de acolo viata lui este complet data peste cap. Filmul are o multime de momente amuzante si unul dintre actorii principali este Steve Carell, un actor care a devenit unul din preferatii mei in ultima perioada.

 It has been such a lazy Sunday ... I really did not had ”time” to do anything but to rest and prepare for another week :) I had the joy yesterday evening, while I was flipping through the channels on my TV, to discover a quite nice movie. It is called ”Dinner for Schmucks” and it is a comedy that presents a guy Tim (Paul Rudd), that wants to get promoted and is invited by his boss to a ”Dinner for Schmucks”. He must go to that dinner with a schmuck and he doesn”t know who would be appropriate so that he would impress his boss. His life changes when he meets the right guy to take to that dinner. The movie has a lot of funny moments and one of the main actors is Steve Carell, an actor that has become one of my favourites lately.

 Trailerul filmului: / The trailer of the movie:

Din nefericire nu am gasit trailerul subtitrat ci doar pe cel in varianta originala.
V-am adaugat si niste momente comice din film cu Steve Carell.

I added you some more funny moments from the movie with Steve Carell. Man he”s great!!

Si cu un alt actor, sigur cunoscut de voi, Zach Galifinakis, cel care a jucat si in ”Marea mahmureala”.

And with another actor, a well-known one for you, I”m sure, Zach Galifinakis, the one that played in ”The Hangover”.

Poate unora dintre voi nu va va placea, dar este o comedie destul de draguta si pe mine una m-a amuzat si m-a facut sa ma gandesc la oamenii peste care dam zilnic, unii mai destepti, altii mai putin destepti, unii mai deosebiti, altii mai putin ”doesebiti” s.a.m.d. 

Maybe some of you won”t like it, but it is a pretty nice comedy, that amused me and made me think about the various kinds of people with whom we interract daily some smart, others not so smart, some special, others less ”special” and you get the point! :))

Cam atat pentru astazi! 
That”s all for today!

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