sâmbătă, octombrie 22, 2011
How to ** Wear a scarf :)
Hello ladies!
Am cautat foarte multe lucruri pe Google zilele acestea, si am gasit o piesa, care mie sincer imi suna ca o piesa de vara, dar cum imi e foarte dor de soarele verii voi pune piesa pe repeat :)
Since I”ve googled a lot of things these days( like a lot :) ), I found a great song and it seems to me more like a summer song, but I miss very much the summer sun so I”ll put this song on repeat :)
In orice caz, toamna a venit si prea multe nu mai avem de facut in legatura cu asta decat poate... sa ne imbracam bine! Tocmai de aceea astazi vom discuta despre un mod de a ne proteja de raceli (foarte frecvente la mine :) ) si anume...tanana...sa purtam esarfe. Eu una am descoperit ca am o multime de esarfe si fulare pe care nu le-am purtat de prea multe ori si pe care mi-ar face placere sa le asortez la tinutele mele.
Nu am apucat sa fac poze cu esarfele mele insa am gasit cateva dragute pe net.
Anyway, autumn is here and we don”t have what to do more about this than maybe...to put a thick sweater.That is exactly why we will discuss today about a way to avoid getting a cold, and that is...to wear scarves.Personally, I discovered that I have a lot of scarves and that a lot of them weren”t taken out even once and that I would love to match to my outfits.
I didn”t had time to make some pictures with my scarves but I found some quite nice on the net.
Fular H&M / H&M scarf $17.95

Fular H&M / H&M scarf $9.95

Esarfa ZARA / ZARA scarf 99.00 RON

Esarfa ZARA / ZARA scarf 39.00 RON

De asemenea, v-am atasat un videoclip tare dragut cu 25 de moduri in care poti purta o esarfa! Merita vazut! :)
Also, I attached you a very nice video with 25 ways in which you can wear a scarf!
Hope you like it! See you later aligator! :))
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