Happy Halloween!

Hey ladies!

Bineinteles ca unele mari branduri au lansat colectii de haine cu target de Halloween, tocmai de aceea va las sa va delectati cu cateva poze.
Of course that some big brands released collections with Halloween target, that is exactly why I am letting you enjoy some pictures.

Victoria”s secret - Candice Swanepoel pentru colectia Victoria’s Secret pentru Halloween 2011
Victoria”s secret - Candice Swanepoel for Victoria’s Secret Halloween 2011 Collection

Sexy... Charlie Chaplin  / Sexy little showstopper

Sexy little french

Sexy Devil

Sexy little bride

Sexy flight attendant

Sexy police officer

Sexy little dark angel

Sexy little santa

Sexy sailor

Sexy little kitty

Si preferata mea. / And my personal fav.

Toate costumele din aceasta colectie sunt seducatoare si se potrivesc perfect tuturor siluetelor si preferintelor. Acestea sunt perfect lucrate si accesorizate inspirat , si cu preturi intre $68 si $198.
All the costumes in the Victoria’s Secret Halloween 2011 collection are seductive matching all silhouettes and preferences. They all appear perfectly finished and skillfully accessorized. The price ranging from $68 to $198.

Voi ce ati prefera sa fiti? O asistenta sau o stewardesa? O mireasa sau o femeie politist? De voi depinde sa va ridicati la inaltimea asteptarilor si sa creati o atmosfera de zile mari, poate chiar similara cu cea a lui Candice Swanepoel la shooting.
What would you prefer to be? A nurse or a flight assistant? A sexy bride or a cop?The choice is up to you to create a certain atmosphere, just like Candice Swanepoel does in the photoshoot.

Si pe final cateva poze absolut superbe cu costume pentru bebelusi:


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What to wear on rainy weather..+ Happy weekend!

Hey girls!

Jamie Woon - Shoulda

Asculta mai multe audio blues

Observ pe zi ce trece ca este tot mai frig si..Thank God! ca au fost zile mai insorite, sau macar uscate, but cloudy dar din nefericire/fericire, depinde de cum priveste fiecare in cele din urma iarna va veni ”peste noi”. Lasand la o parte faptul ca I love winter , urasc zapada topita sau in curs de topire, u know.. cand ne incaltam cu ceva comfy si ne trezim cu degetelele de la picioare la ”murat” :))

I”ve noticed that is colder and colder and...Thank God! there were some sunny days, or at least dry ones, but cloudy but unhappily/happily, it depends from which point of view we see it , eventually the winter will come. Leaving aside the fact that I love winter, I hate melted snow or snow in the process of melting, u know...when we have our comfy boots and we ”wake up” with soaking wet toes:))

Anyway, mai e putin pana la acest moment si vroiam sa va prezint cateva articole pe care le puteti purta cand ploua :)

Anyway, there”s little time until this moment and I wanted to present you some articles that you can wear when it is raining.


Umbrella Extasy

Chiar daca nu sunt such a big fan of these ones am gasit unele chiar dragute.
Even though I”m not such a big fan of these I found ones really nice.


Cam atat pentru astazi..Va doresc zile ploioase...fericite? (suna mai bine in engleza :)) )

And that”s all for today..I wish you happy rainy days! :)


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Sex and the city 2 - Film/Movie

Hey girls!

Ieri a fost o zi grozava! Am avut putin timp sa ma intalnesc cu prietena mea cea mai buna si am avut some great moments together. Oh my! Mi-era atat de dor sa have some girls talk. Anyway, cred ca am intrat in ”febra” filmelor pentru ca astazi voi impartasi cu voi un alt film pe care l-am vazut. Si de data asta unul extraordinar ”TOTUL DESPRE SEX 2”/”SEX AND THE CITY 2”. Sunt mai mult decat sigura ca cele mai multe dintre fete iubesc acest film, in primul rand pentru ca este truly inspiring si in al doilea rand because of the fashion. Oh my my my! Si ce mai fashion! Pe langa faptul ca peisajele sunt fabuloase, filmul ofera o noua modalitate de a privi lumea asta. Rochiile, bijuteriile, unghiile, coafurile...absolut superbe. Nimic mai mult, nimic mai putin decat un gust extraordinar pentru combinatii de efect.

Yesterday was a great day! I got to get together with my BFF and we had some great moments together. Oh, my! I so missed having some time together with her. Anyway, I believe I got into the movie fever cuz today I am going to share another great movie that I have seen again, ”SEX AND THE CITY 2”. I am sure that most of the girls love this movie, firstly because it”s so inspiring and secondly because of the fashion. Oh my my my!!! And what fashion!! Besides of the fact that the landscapes are fab, the movie provides an entire new way of seeing fashion. The dresses, the jewelery, the nails, the hairstyles...absolutely gorgeous.Nothing more and nothing less that pure taste in great combinations.

Pe langa toate lucrurile superbe, filmul scoate in evidenta ideea prieteniei fara limite, lasand la o parte anii, oamenii care vin si pleaca din viata noastra si unele intamplari mai mult sau mai putin nefericite.

Besides all the fab things, the movie emphasizes the idea of limitless friendship, leaving aside the years, the people that come and go trough our lives or any happy or unhappy event.

Am sa va arat ceea ce m-a impresionat pe mine in mod deosebit.
I”ll show you what impressed me the most.







In caz ca nu ati vazut filmul, nu ar mai trebui sa stati pe ganduri. Aveti aici trailerul:
In case that u haven”t seen the movie, you shouldn”t think twice. Here is the trailer:


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Dinner for Schmucks - Film/Movie

Hey ladies!

Am avut parte de o duminica de ”leneveala”... in care n-am avut ”timp” de nimic decat sa ma odihnesc si sa ma pregatesc pentru o alta saptamana :) Am avut incantarea ca aseara, in timp ce butonam telecomanda sa dau peste un film destul de dragut, pe care l-am urmarit cap-coada, film despre care o sa va si vorbesc astazi. Se numeste ”Cina pentru Fraieri” si este o comedie care prezinta un tip, pe nume Tim (Paul Rudd) in plina ascensiune profesionala care este invitat la o ”Cina pentru fraieri” asa cum zice si titlul filmului. Acesta trebuie sa ia pe cineva cu el,  bineinteles, un fraier :)), si desi nu stie pe cine ar putea lua cu el ca sa-si impresioneze sefii, ii iese in cale o persoana tocmai potrivita pentru a-l acompania si de acolo viata lui este complet data peste cap. Filmul are o multime de momente amuzante si unul dintre actorii principali este Steve Carell, un actor care a devenit unul din preferatii mei in ultima perioada.

 It has been such a lazy Sunday ... I really did not had ”time” to do anything but to rest and prepare for another week :) I had the joy yesterday evening, while I was flipping through the channels on my TV, to discover a quite nice movie. It is called ”Dinner for Schmucks” and it is a comedy that presents a guy Tim (Paul Rudd), that wants to get promoted and is invited by his boss to a ”Dinner for Schmucks”. He must go to that dinner with a schmuck and he doesn”t know who would be appropriate so that he would impress his boss. His life changes when he meets the right guy to take to that dinner. The movie has a lot of funny moments and one of the main actors is Steve Carell, an actor that has become one of my favourites lately.

 Trailerul filmului: / The trailer of the movie:

Din nefericire nu am gasit trailerul subtitrat ci doar pe cel in varianta originala.
V-am adaugat si niste momente comice din film cu Steve Carell.

I added you some more funny moments from the movie with Steve Carell. Man he”s great!!

Si cu un alt actor, sigur cunoscut de voi, Zach Galifinakis, cel care a jucat si in ”Marea mahmureala”.

And with another actor, a well-known one for you, I”m sure, Zach Galifinakis, the one that played in ”The Hangover”.

Poate unora dintre voi nu va va placea, dar este o comedie destul de draguta si pe mine una m-a amuzat si m-a facut sa ma gandesc la oamenii peste care dam zilnic, unii mai destepti, altii mai putin destepti, unii mai deosebiti, altii mai putin ”doesebiti” s.a.m.d. 

Maybe some of you won”t like it, but it is a pretty nice comedy, that amused me and made me think about the various kinds of people with whom we interract daily some smart, others not so smart, some special, others less ”special” and you get the point! :))

Cam atat pentru astazi! 
That”s all for today!

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