marți, aprilie 17, 2012
Colourful Easter decorations
Hey ladies!
M-am intooors :)
I'm baaack :)
Sper ca ati avut cateva zile dragute si relaxante de Paste si ca sunteti gata pentru niste postari grozave!!
I hope you had some nice and relaxing easter days and that you're ready for some great posts!!
Avand in vedere ca inca mai este alaturi de noi acest mood de Paste, vroiam sa impartasesc niste decoratiuni pe care le-am gasit pe internet si care m-au cucerit iar pentru final am pastrat cireasa de pe tort.
Taking into consideration that we still are in an Easter mood, I just wanted to share with you some decorations that I have found on the internet and that really love, and for the end of this post I kept the cherry from the top of the cake.
1. Decoratiuni pentru ghiveci
Decorations for/in a pot
* realizate din aluat
*made from dough
* realizate din nasturi
*made from buttons
* realizate din jeleuri si bombonele
*made from jelly and candy
* realizate din hartie
*made from paper
2 . Decoratiuni cu crengute si oua
Decorations with twigs and eggs

4. Cosulete
5. Beteala
6. Decoratiuni in vas transparent cu flori
Decorations in a transparent vessel with flowers

7. Lumanarele
8. Coronite
Cam atat pentru astazi dar astept feedbackul vostru :) Ce va place/Ce nu va place? Tot ce va trece prin cap I wanna know it:P
Imi puteti scrie fie pe FACEBOOK un mesaj, fie imi puteti trimite un e-MAIL daca aveti vreo intrebare, v-a placut o anumita postare sau din contra, or just to talk! leave some comments girls!
You can write me a message on FACEBOOK , or you can send me an e-MAIL if you have any question, you loved a post or on the contrary, or just to talk! leave some comments girls!
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